The Last Day

Day 63, 5 October: Arlington, VA to Annapolis, MD

After a restful day and evening and the reunion with our spouses at Joint Base Myer and our meeting up with the Class of ‘83 riders, it was off to Arlington National Cemetery at 0700 this morning.

Robert E, Lee’s former home in Arlington National Cemetery. The price of freedom
’83 and ’73 assembling to enter Arlington National Cemetery

After a meaningful speech by Doug Leland and the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy, and prayer by retired Navy Chaplain Commander Al Lenz, it was off to Annapolis as a joint force of ‘73 and ‘83.

Doug and the Hon. Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy, addressing ’73, ’83 and invited guests at Arlington National Cemetery

The train of bikes was led by Vice Admiral (ret.) Dixon Smith deftly navigating us through DC traffic and twirled spaghetti-like streets. First SAG stop was around 17 miles and breakfast was served. Next we were off on bike trail, then city streets and a police escort by the New Carrollton Police Department to lunch at SAG stop #2 and donated Chick-fil-A wraps and chips. Then the Bowie, MD Police department gave us an escort through town and we were off on another trail most of the way to Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis.

Enroute to Annapolis; Doug, Ron, Tom and ’83
SAG 1, ’83 style
SAG 2; ready to ride

After regrouping, we rode en mass to USNA where ‘83 graciously allowed the ‘73 riders to go ahead and bring our deceased Classmates back with a ceremonial loop around the Yard, stopping at the Herndon Monument and rejoining with ‘83. The class of ‘83 through tireless efforts was able to secure and refurbish the bell from USS Herndon and it now hangs on its own next to Herndon Monument. John Hults and Doug Leland rang out ‘83 on the bell. Then it was on to the Columbarium where Doug Leland gave a short speech about our ride and the ‘73 riders displayed the chain with all 138 of our deceased name tags.  From there we went to Hubbard Hall and all ‘73 and ‘83 riders dipped their front tires into the basin signifying the end of their rides, and Doug declared Mission Complete for the Ride-2-Remember.

Arriving at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. Bil finishes his last PB&J.
Doug and John Hults ’83 ring the Herndon Bell
The final wheel dip, in College Creek

Our reunion kicks off tonight with a cocktail party, but we will wear our jerseys to the Memorial Service tomorrow to display the chain a final time for the benefit of any widows and loved ones who want to view it or speak with us.

Dave Haefner

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