An eye-opener

Day 30, 2 September: Gordon to Valentine, NE

After three “short” days, today’s 91 miles was an eye-opener. Temps were expected to get into the 90s so we decided on starting earlier than usual.  My flashing white (front) light barely illuminated the 10 yards needed to avoid potholes or debris for the first 45 min or so.  The sun did – finally – come up, and a spectacular sunrise it was.  The spectacular part lasted about 10 miles before the glare made hard to see the road, more specifically, the expansion cracks and oncoming traffic.

The dawn patrol departs.

Eventually, I settled into pounding (literally – did I mention the @#&* expansion cracks?) out the miles. Western Nebraska is much like eastern Wyoming with long rolling hills; except greener.  At one point I stopped to switch water bottles because it was too precarious to do in motion (did I mention the 8&#* expansion cracks?) – as I was standing there, I could hear coyote pups howling.  I guess it was breakfast time.  I took a photo of the meadow they were hidden in.

There are coyote pups in here somewhere.

By the time I got to Sally at the 245 mile Support stop (OK, 60 mile stop but my butt was telling me it was at least 200 mi).  As I was gingerly placing my bike on the ground to avoid the dreaded Goat Head thorns (they actually do look like a goat’s head, albeit the ones you see in occult movies); I heard Sally chuckle and say, “You’re a star.”  I was caught off guard and turned to see her pointing at a row of about 30 cows lined up against the fence – watching us like we were the most amazing thing they had ever seen.  Sally got a nice photo to commemorate our – short – celebrity.

Goat head thorns
Ron’s fan club!

After that it got hot – 102 when the last rider finished.  No one opted to go the extra 8 miles to make it an even Century ride. Another looong day in the books.

One final note on the day; by now we have settled into routines but having fellow Hardcore 24th Companymate, Mike Obert, join us for our sojourn across Nebraska has been a highlight… especially when he carried my bags up to my room.  I even let him take a photo of me drinking a beer… and enjoying it.

Ron Bowman

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